Friday, September 25, 2009

Johhny Appleseed born September 26, 1774

Tomorrow is Johnny Appleseed's birthday~well actually it is John Chapman's birthday but he is better know as Johnny Appleseed. I have always loved the fact that Johnny Appleseed was based on a real person. In a way he was our first environmentalist. He cared about conservation and preservation. It is interesting to note that he didn't really sow seeds around the states but planted apple trees which he protected and nurtured. I also found it interesting that his birthday is in September, the start of the autumn season and the time when apple picking is at its height! So in honor of his birthday tomorrow I thought I would list some books that tell his story and the story of apples.


Johnny Appleseed: A Tall Tale Retold by Steven Kellogg
Johnny Appleseed: A Poem by Reeve Lindbergh
Johnny Appleseed by Carol Ottolenghi
Johnny Appleseed: The Legend & the Truth by Jane Yolen

Apple books:

Apples by Gail Gibbons
How Do Apples Grow by Betsey Maestro
Apple Picking Time by Michele B. Slawson

So every time you eat an apple think of the man who brought them to the world and who really lived!

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