Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Looking at Lincoln by Maira Kalman

I have been wanting to see the new movie from Spielberg about Lincoln but haven't gotten around to it.   My sister saw it and did nothing but rave about it.   It is amazing how Daniel Day Lewis really becomes his characters, my sister said he is fantastic in the role.   As with so many people Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite Presidents.   I think I started to like him because my Mother loved him.   She used to tell me how she loved his face, that he always looked a bit sad but kind.   I was constantly bringing her books about him and by him.   One of the last books I ever got for her was a compilation of his speeches.  

Looking at Lincoln written and illustrated by the wonderful Maira Kalman is the perfect book for young children to help explain who Abraham Lincoln was.  This is a must have addition to the list of the many biographies for children of our 16th President.   Ms Kalman not only simply and succinctly tells the story of his life, she is also able to convey a more human figure.   I think because the narrator is a child who wants to know more about President Lincoln that we get a great sense of wonder.   This is a very special and fresh take on a historical figure who means so much to this country.   I would have loved to show it to my Mom.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Flashback Tuesday: Hanukkah Moon by Deborah da Costa Illus by Gosia Mosz

Hanukkah Moon by Deborah da Costa and illustrated by Gosia Mosz is a great book to read at this special time of year.   When I initially came across this book I was thrilled because it showed a different side of the holiday.  It is a story that shows Hanukkah from a different cultural experience.  I love how the little girl Isobel is concerned that her Aunt from Mexico might not know how to celebrate Hanukkah like she is accustomed to.  Aunt Luisa proceeds to teach Isobel about the Hanukkah Moon and about the Hanukkah traditions from Mexico.   There are the usual Hanukkah elements such as latkes and chocolate coins.  I especially love the dreidel pinata filled with candy.   I great book to add anyone's holiday book shelf.

Happy Hanukkah or as "Aunt Luisa" teaches Isobel-- Feliz Januca!