Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Flashback Tuesday: Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco

Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco is one of my all time favorite books. It is definitely one of my favorite Patricia Polacco books. I can still remember the first time I read it. I was so blown away by the story and the illustrations that I sat and cried right in the middle of the store.

This story of two boys from different worlds during the Civil War is so touching and real that it is sometimes hard to believe it is a true story. This is a story that had been handed down from generation to generation so I am sure the tone had changed in each retelling of it. But the story always remained the same.
The illustration of the boys hands as they are being torn apart still gives me goosebumps when I think about it.

Some people might say this is too harsh a story for young children. I say we shouldn't talk down to children and should always try to tell them the truth. Children can handle more than we give them credit for.

Pink and Say was the first picture book I encountered that made me realize that not all picture books are for children. This is a book for all ages. It is not just for children~

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