Monday, April 26, 2010

National Pretzel Day!

Today is National Pretzel Day!  I am not sure who makes up these "days" but I do like them.   It is great when I can tie a special day into great books for kids.  

This would be a perfect day for a story time.   I would read books about pretzels and then serve pretzels as treats.   I would even have the kids make pretend pretzels out of pipe cleaners or something like that.

Here are two of my favorite books that I would definitely read at story time.   They are classics.


Pretzel by H.A. Rey is the classic story of a dachshund named Pretzel who saves the day.   The kids always get a kick out of this book of puppy love.

Walter the Baker by Eric Carle is one of my favorite Eric Carle titles.   I love he tells the story of how the pretzel was first made.   It is a great story of ingenuity that works.   A wonderful book. 

Now I have made myself hungry~I think I'll have a pretzel!

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